External Faculty Awards

Faculty Award for Educational Leadership in Doctoral Education

Awarded by
Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education (GADE) in Social Work
woman in black with books behind her.

The GADE Faculty Award for Educational Leadership in Social Work Doctoral Education is given to a current or former faculty member at a member institution who has made significant contributions to advancing doctoral education in the field of social work. Faculty distinguished by this award display a strong commitment to doctoral education and a demonstrated record of advancing doctoral education at the national or international level. The 2023 GADE Faculty Award for Educational Leadership in Social Work Doctoral Education is awarded to Dr. Julia R. Henly from The University of Chicago Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, & Practice.


Children’s Bureau Champion Award for Advancing Equity

Awarded by
National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect

Professor Darcey Merritt received the Children’s Bureau Champion Award for Advancing Equity on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at the 23rd National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect. https://vimeo.com/812964412


2023 Excellence in Research Award

Awarded by
Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR)

This award is given in recognition of significant contributions to social work-relevant research that advances knowledge with direct applications to practice, policy, and the resolution of social issues. The intent of the Excellence in Research Award is to recognize original scholarly contributions to the peer-reviewed research literature in a given year.


2022 Frank R. Breul Memorial Prize

Awarded by
Social Service Review

The 2022 Frank R. Breul Memorial Prize has been awarded to Aaron Gottlieb and his coauthor. Established by the University of Chicago Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice, the prize pays tribute to Professor Breul’s career as an educator, administrator, and editor of Social Service Review (SSR). The prize is awarded annually for what is judged by the editor, after seeking input from the editorial board, to be the best article published in SSR in the preceding year. This year’s prize honors “The Legacy of Slavery and Mass Incarceration: Evidence from Felony Case Outcomes,” which appears in the March 2021 issue.

This groundbreaking article uses quantitative methods to test a common explanation for the rise of mass incarceration in: namely, that it stems from efforts to enforce the United States’ racial hierarchy. The authors examine for the first time the likelihood that individuals charged with crimes in counties with high levels of slavery historically experience worst-case outcomes. Their sophisticated data collection and analysis shows that such individuals are at significantly higher risk for pretrial detention, a sentence of incarceration, and long prison sentences than their counterparts in counties with lower levels of slavery historically. The authors’ novel findings have timely and powerful implications for researchers and policy makers seeking to understand and remedy the impact of slavery on contemporary incarceration patterns across the country.


Reuben Jonathan Miller is named a 2022 MacArthur Fellow

Awarded by
MacArthur Foundation

The MacArthur Fellowship honors individuals who have shown extraordinary creativity, originality, and dedication in their creative pursuits, along with a distinct capacity for self-direction and continued excellence.

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Grant

Awarded by
Center for the Study of Race, Politics, & Culture (CSRPC)

Eve L. Ewing was awarded a Spring 2022 Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Grant from the Center for the Study of Race, Politics, & Culture (CSRPC) for her project, the "Frank London Brown Exhibition."

2021 Fellow

Awarded by
American Association for the Advancement of Science

Jeanne C. Marsh was named a 2021 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science


2022 PROSE Award


Reuben Jonathan Miller won the 2022 PROSE Award for Excellence in Social Sciences for Halfway Homefrom the Association of American Publishers. His book was also named a finalist for PEN/John Kenneth Galbraith Award for Nonfiction.

WorkRise Grant


Susan J. Lambert and Julia Henly were awarded a WorkRise grant for their project, "Employees’ Experiences of Fair Workweek Ordinances: Variations by Provision, Industry, and Municipality." They were also appointed as 2022 Fellows of the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare.

Top 2% for Scholarly Citations

Awarded by
Elsevier BV

Eleven Crown Family School faculty members are included in a listing of the top 2% for scholarly citations worldwide in their respective fields. The 2021 report, published by Elsevier BV and included in PLOS Biology, is a publicly available database of more than 100,000 top researchers and measures both single-year and career citations.

Research Professor Appointment

Awarded by
American Bar Association

Reuben Jonathan Miller, Assistant Professor, was appointed as a Research Professor by the American Bar Association to their Research Community in the Fall of 2021.

Miller spoke at a TED Salon on November 17, 2021. His book, Halfway Home: Race, Punishment, and the Afterlife of Mass Incarceration was Longlisted for the PEN/John Kenneth Galbraith Award for Nonfiction.

Mirra Komarovsky Book Award

Awarded by
Eastern Sociological Society

Assistant Professor Angela S. García was named a co-winner of the Eastern Sociological Society's 2021 Mirra Komarovsky Book Award for her book, Legal Passing: Navigating Undocumented Life and Local Immigration Law. Her book also won a Distinguished Book Award honorable mention from the American Sociological Association Section on Latina/Latino Sociology.


Lifetime Achivement Award

Awarded by

Dodie Norton, Samuel Deutsch Professor Emerita was honored with a Lifetime Achivement Award by the organization, ZERO TO THREE, for influence on the early childhood field and the lives of babies and toddlers worldwide. 

2021 Global Fellow

Awarded by
Ford Foundation

Assistant Professor Zhiying Ma was named a 2021 Global Fellow by the Ford Foundation. She is one of 48 emerging leaders from around the world to join the inaugural 24 fellows to build a network of 72 active fellows working to tackle global drivers of inequality.


President to the Society for Linguistic Anthropology (SLA)

Awarded by
Society for Linguistic Anthropology (SLA)

E. Summerson Carr was elected as President to the Society for Linguistic Anthropology (SLA) for the 2021-2023 term.


2022 Fellows

Awarded by
American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare

Professors Julia Henly and Susan Lambert were named 2022 Fellows by the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare.