J. Curtis McMillen, PhD
Dr. McMillen is engaged in a number of projects designed to improve mental health services for children and youth in foster care.
De-escalation Strategies
Dr. McMillen leads a number of efforts to identify effective strategies to de-escalate upset people. Dr. McMillen, along with with Ph.D. alumna Jill Spielfogel and AM alumna Sav Felix, compiled menus of de-escalation strategies from the peer-reviewed literature and surveyed practitioners across several field (human services, criminal justice, retail). He has developed a set of digitized audio vignettes designed to elicit emotional response and is testing communications that can de-escalate these responses. He is especially interested in the potential of pairing validation communications and other communications such as invitations to problem solve and limit setting. Along with Dr. Andrea Doyle of West Viginia University Medical School, he recently reviewed the literature on clinical validation and proposed a number of mechanisms on how it may work.
Performance Management
Dr. McMillen is leading efforts to educate the social service sector on how to how to better monitor for and improve service quality.
Dr. McMillen has led four studies on performance management in U.S. child and family service agencies, including a nationally representative study of performance management professionals in these agencies. With Dr. Nathaniel Israel of Chapin Hall, he studied how child and family services agencies mature their performance measurement systems. With Dr. Israel, he recently published a paper on the different frameworks agencies can use to choose performance metrics.
Handling Intense Emotions
Dr. McMillen has created a curriculum for foster youth and their caregivers called Handling Intense Emotions. It is a blended intervention that combines in-person facilitation with a digitzed curriculum. It educates youth and caregivers about the realities of intense emotions, why people have them, and how intense emotion episodes start and stop. And, it teaches young people and their caregivers a bunch of things to try to better handle intense emotions. The curriculum is being piloted at Lawrence Hall Youth Services in Chicago.
This course focuses on the generation, analysis, and use of data and information relevant to decision-making at the case, program, and policy levels. Students learn and...
This two-quarter course emphasizes the design and practice of social work interventions at the individual, family, and group levels. Students are introduced to the values...
- Cho, E., Tugendrajch, S.K., McMillen, J.Curtis et al. (2022). Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices within Treatment-As-Usual and Evidence-Based Practice Initiatives. Adm Policy Ment Health. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10488-022-01197-z
- Marriott, B.R., Cho, E., Tugendrajch, S.K. et al. (2022). Role-Play Assessment of Therapist Adherence and Skill in Implementation of Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.Adm Policy Ment Health 49, 374–384. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10488-021-01169-9
- McMillen, J.Curtis and Israel, Nathaniel. (2021). Four frames for choosing performance metrics for child and family service programs: Strategic planning, decision points, logic modeling, and implementation science. Families in Society.
- Israel, Nathaniel, McMillen, J.Curtis and Adams, Danielle. (2019). Development of Quality Management Capacity in Child-Serving Nonprofit Agencies. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 47, 1, 94-106
- Lee, Bethany R., and J. Curtis McMillen. 2017. “Pathways Forward for Embracing Evidence-Based Practice in Group Care Settings.” Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 25(1): 16-27.
- McMillen, J. Curtis and Adams, Danielle R. (2017). Dissemination and implementation in the social services. In R. Brownson, G. Colditz & E. Proctor. Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health: Translating Science to Practice (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press
- Powell, Byron J., Rinad S. Beidas, Cara C. Lewis, Gregory A. Aarons, J. Curtis McMillen, Enola K. Proctor, and David S. Mandell. 2017. “Methods to Improve the Selection and Tailoring of Implementation Strategies.” The Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research 44(2): 177-194.
- Spielfogel, Jill E., and J. Curtis McMillen. 2017. “Current use of de-escalation strategies: Similarities and differences in de-escalation across professions.” Social Work in Mental Health 15(3): 232-248.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, Kristin H. Hawley, and Enola K. Proctor. 2016. "Mental Health Clinicians' Participation in Web-Based Training for an Evidence Supported Intervention: Signs of Encouragement and Trouble Ahead." Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research doi: 10.1007/s10488-015-0645-x.
- McMillen, J. Curtis and Matthew Raffol. 2016. "Characterizing the quality workforce in private U.S. child and family behavioral health agencies." Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research doi:10.1007/s10488-015-0667-4.
- Narendorf, Sarah Carter, J. Curtis McMillen, and Karen M. Oshima. 2016. "Affect dysregulation in older foster youth." Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders doi:10.1177/1063426615591791.
- McMillen, J.Curtis., Sarah C. Narendorf, D. Robinson, Judy Havlicek, Nicole Fedoravicius, J. Bertram, and David McNelly. 2015. "Development and piloting of a treatment foster care program for older youth with psychiatric problems." Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health doi:10.1186/s13034-015-0057-4.
- Proctor, Enola, Doug Luke, Analise Calhoun, Curtis McMillen, Ross Brownson, and M. Padek. 2015. "Sustainability of evidence-based health care: Research agenda, methodological advances, and infrastructure support." Implementation Science doi: 10.1186/s13012-015-0274-5.
- Scott, Lionel D., J. Curtis McMillen, and Lonnie R. Snowden. 2015. "Informal and formal help seeking among older black male foster care youth and alumni." Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(2): 264-277 doi: 10.1007/s10826-013-9832-0.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, Colleen Cary Katz, and Emily J. Claypool. 2014. "An emotion regulation framework for child welfare intervention and programming." Social Service Review 88(3): 443-68.
- Bertram, Julie E., Sarah Carter Narendorf, and J. Curtis McMillen. 2013. "Pioneering the psychiatric nurse role in foster care." Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 27(6):285-92.
- Oshima, Karen M., Sarah Carter Narendorf, and J. Curtis McMillen. 2013. "Pregnancy risk among older youth transitioning out of foster care." Children and Youth Services Review 35(10): 1760-65.
- Powell, Byron J., Carolina Hausmann-Stabile, and J. Curtis McMillen. 2013. "Mental health clinicians’ experiences of implementing evidence-based treatments." Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work 10(5): 396-409.
- Proctor, Enola K., Byron J. Powell, and J. Curtis McMillen. 2013. "Implementation strategies: Recommendations for specifying and reporting." Implementation Science 8: 139.
- Scott Jr., Lionel D., J. Curtis McMillen, and Lonnie R. Snowden. 2013. "Informal and formal help seeking among older black male foster care youth and alumni." Journal of Child and Family Studies. doi:10.1007/s10826-013-9832-0.
- Zayas, Luis E., J. Curtis McMillen, Madeline Y. Lee, and Samantha J. Books. 2013. "Challenges to quality assurance and improvement efforts in behavioral health organizations: A qualitative assessment." Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 40(3): 190-8.
- Cary, Colleen E., and J. Curtis McMillen. 2012. "The data behind the dissemination: A systematic review of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for use with children and youth." Children and Youth Services Review 34(4): 748-57.
- Havlicek, Judy, J. Curtis McMillen, Nicole Fedoravicious, David McNelly, and Debra Robinson. 2012. "Conceptualizing the step-down for foster youth approaching adulthood: Perceptions of service providers, caseworkers, and foster parents." Children and Youth Services Review 34(12): 2327-36.
- McMillen, J. Curtis. 2012. "Social service delivery settings." In Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health: Translating Science to Practice, edited by Ross C. Brownson, Graham A. Colditz, and Enola Proctor. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Narendorf, Sarah Carter, Nicole Fedoravicius, J. Curtis McMillen, David McNelly, and Debra R. Robinson. 2012. "Stepping down and and stepping in: Youth’s perspectives on making the transition from residential treatment to treatment foster care." Children and Youth Services Review 34(1): 43-9.
- Powell, Byron J., J. Curtis McMillen, Enola K. Proctor, Chris R. Carpenter, Richard T. Griffey, Alicia C. Bunger, Joseph E. Glass, and Jennifer L. York. 2012. "A compilation of strategies for implementing clinical innovations in health and mental health." Medical Care Research and Review 69(2): 123-57.
- Lee, Madeline Y., J. Curtis McMillen, Luis E. Zayas, and Samantha J. Books. 2011. "The quality assurance and improvement workforce in social services: An exploratory examination." Administration in Social Work 35(3): 243-57.
- Munson, Michelle R., Sarah Carter Narendorf, and J. Curtis McMillen. 2011. "Health services among older youth in the foster care system." Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 28(2): 97-112.
- Narendorf, Sarah Carter, Julie Bertram, and J. Curtis McMillen. 2011. "Diagnosis and medication overload? A nurse review of the psychiatric histories of older youth in treatment foster care." Child Welfare 90(3): 27-43.
- Scott Jr., Lionel D., Henrika McCoy, Michelle R. Munson, Lonnie R. Snowden, and J. Curtis McMillen. 2011. "Cultural mistrust of mental health professionals among black males transitioning from foster care." Journal of Child and Family Studies 20(5): 605-13. doi:10.1007/210826-010-9434-z.
- Munson, Michelle R., and J. Curtis McMillen. 2010. "Trajectories of depression symptoms among older youth exiting foster care." Social Work Research 34(4): 235-49. doi:10.1007/s10560-101-0223.
- Narendorf, Sarah, and J. Curtis McMillen. 2010. "Substance use and substance use disorders as foster youth transition to adulthood." Children and Youth Services Review 32(1): 113-9. (PMC2786185)
- McMillen, J. Curtis, Shannon Lenze, Kristin Hawley, and Victoria Osborne. 2009. "Revisiting practice-based research networks as a platform for mental health services research." Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 36(5): 308-21.
- Munson, Michelle R., and J. Curtis McMillen. 2009. "Natural mentoring and psychosocial outcomes among older youth transitioning foster care." Children and Youth Services Review 31(1): 104-11.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, and Ramesh Raghavan. 2009. "Pediatric to adult mental health service use of young people leaving the foster care system."Journal of Adolescent Health 44(1): 7-13.
- Raghavan, Ramesh, Peichang Shi, Gregory Aarons, Scott Roesch, and J. Curtis McMillen. 2009. "Health insurance discontinuities among adolescents leaving foster care." Journal of Adolescent Health 44(1): 41-7.
- Fedoravicius, Nicole, J. Curtis McMillen, Jill E. Rowe, Njeri Kagotho, and Norma C. Ware. 2008. "Funneling child welfare consumers into and through the mental health system: Assessment, referral, and quality issues." Social Service Review 82(2): 273-90.
- McCoy, Henrika, J. Curtis McMillen, and Edward L. Spitznagel. 2008. "Older youth leaving the foster care system: Who, what, when, where, and why?" Children and Youth Services Review 30(7): 735-45.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, Bethany R. Lee, and Melissa Jonson-Reid. 2008. "Outcomes for youth residential treatment programs using administrative data from the child welfare system: A risk-adjustment application." Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 35(3): 189-97.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, Luis E. Zayas, Samantha Books, and Madeline Lee. 2008. "Quality assurance and improvement practice in mental health agencies: Roles, activities, targets and contributions." Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 35(6): 458-67.
- Munson, Michelle R., and J. Curtis McMillen. 2008." Non-kin natural mentors in the lives of older youth in foster care." Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research 35(4): 454-68.
- Proctor, Enola K., and J. Curtis McMillen. 2008. "Quality of care." In Encyclopedia of Social Work, 20th ed., edited by Terry Mizrahi and Larry E. Davis. New York: Oxford University Press and NASW.
- Raghavan, Ramesh, and J. Curtis McMillen. 2008. "Use of multiple psychotropic medications among adolescents aging out of foster care." Psychiatric Services 59(9): 1052-5.
- Vaughn, Michael G., Christine Litschge, Matt DeLisi, Kevin M. Beaver, and J. Curtis McMillen. 2008. "Psychopathic personality features and risks for criminal justice system involvement among emancipating foster youth." Children and Youth Services Review 30(10): 1101-10.
- Vaughn, Michael G., Jeffrey J. Shook, and J. Curtis McMillen. 2008. "Aging out of foster care and legal involvement: Toward a typology of risk." Social Service Review 82(3): 419-46.
- Jonson-Reid, Melissa, Lionel D. Scott, J. Curtis McMillen, and Tonya Edmond. 2007. "Dating violence among emancipating foster youth." Children and Youth Services Review 29(5): 557-57.
- Lee, Bethany R., J. Curtis McMillen, and Nicole Fedoravicius. 2007. "Use and views of physical restraint in select residential treatment facilities." International Journal of Child and Family Welfare 10(3-4): 139-49.
- Lee, Bethany R., J. Curtis McMillen, Kraig Knudsen, and Carol M. Woods. 2007. "Quality-directed activities and barriers to quality in social service organizations." Administration in Social Work 31(2): 67-85.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, Nicole Fedoravicius, Jille Rowe, Bonnie T. Zima, and Norma Ware. 2007. "A crisis of credibility: Professionals’ concerns about the psychiatric care provided to clients of the child welfare system." Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 34(3): 203-12.
- Megivern, Deborah, J. Curtis McMillen, Enola K. Proctor, Catherine Woodstock Striley, Leopoldo J. Cabassa, and Michelle R. Munson. 2007. "Quality of care: Expanding the social work dialogue." Social Work 52(2): 115-24.
- McMillen, J. Curtis. 2007. "The business of accreditation." Families in Society 88(4):1-6. Available at http://www.familiesinsociety.org/WebOnlyArticles.asp.
- Scott Jr., Lionel D., Michelle R. Munson, J. Curtis McMillen, and Lonnie R. Snowden. 2007. "Predisposition to seek mental health care among black males transitioning from foster care." Children and Youth Services Review 29(7): 870-82.
- Vaughn, Michael G., Marcia T. Ollie, J. Curtis McMillen, Lionel D. Scott, and Michelle R. Munson. 2007. "Substance use and abuse among older youth in foster care." Addictive Behaviors 32(9): 1929-35.
- Lee, Bethany R., Michelle R. Munson, Norma C. Ware, Marcia T. Ollie, Lionel D. Scott, and J. Curtis McMillen. 2006. "Voices of foster care youths: Consumer views of mental health services." Psychiatric Services 57: 487-492.
- Scott, Lionel D., Michelle R. Munson, and J. Curtis McMillen, and Marcia T. Ollie. 2006. "The association of religious involvement to social behaviors and psychiatric disorders among older youth in foster care." American Journal of Community Psychology 38: 223-236.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, Enola K. Proctor, Deborah Megivern, Catherin Striley, Leopoldo J. Cabassa, Michelle R. Munson, and Barbara Dickey. 2005. "Quality of care in the social services: Research agenda and methods." Social Work Research 29: 181-191.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, Bonnie T. Zima, Lionel D. Scott, Wendy F. Auslander, Michelle R. Munson, Marcia T. Ollie, and Edward L. Spitznagel. 2005. "The prevalence of psychiatric disorders among older youths in the foster care system." Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 44: 88-95.
- McMillen, J. Curtis. 2004. "Posttraumatic growth: What’s it all about?" Psychological Inquiry 15: 48-52.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, Lisa Morris, and Michael Sherraden. 2004. "Problems versus strengths: Ending social work’s grudge match." Families in Society 85: 317-325.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, Lionel D. Scott, Bonnie T. Zima, Marcia T. Ollie, Michelle R. Munson, and Edward L. Spitznagel. 2004. "Use of mental health services among older youths in foster care." Psychiatric Services 55: 811-817.
- Howard, Matthew O., J. Curtis McMillen, and David E. Pollio. 2003. "Teaching evidence based practice: Toward a new paradigm for social work education." Journal of Research on Social Work Practice 13: 234-259.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, Wendy Auslander, Diane Elze, Tony White, and Ronald Thompson. 2003. "Educational experiences and aspirations of older youth in the foster care system." Child Welfare 72: 475-495.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, and Cynthia Loveland Cook. 2003. "The positive by-products of spinal cord injury and their correlates." Rehabilitation Psychology 48: 77-85.
- Auslander, Wendy F., J. Curtis McMillen, Diane Elze, Ronald Thompson, Melissa Jonson-Reid, and Arlene Stiffman. 2002. "Mental health problems and sexual abuse among adolescents in foster care: Relationship to HIV risk behaviors and intentions." AIDS and Behavior 6: 351-359.
- Howard, Matthew O., J. Curtis McMillen, Lisa Nower, Diane Elze, Tonya Edmond, and John Bricout. 2002. "Denial in addiction: Toward an integrated stage and process model." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 34: 371-382.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, Carol S. North, Muriel Mosley, and Elizabeth M. Smith. 2002. "Untangling the psychiatric comorbidity of PTSD in a sample of flood survivors." Comprehensive Psychiatry 43: 478-485.
- North, Carol S., Laura Tivis, J. Curtis McMillen, Betty Pfefferbaum, Jann Cox, Edward L. Spitznagel, Kenneth P. Bunch, and Elizabeth M. Smith. 2002. "Coping, functioning, and adjustment of rescue workers after the Oklahoma City bombing." Journal of Traumatic Stress 15: 171-175.
- North, Carol S., Laura Tivis, J. Curtis McMillen, Betty Pfefferbaum, Edward L. Spitznagel, Jann Cox, Sara Nixon, Kenneth P. Bunch, and Elizabeth M. Smith. 2002. "Psychiatric disorders in rescue workers after the Oklahoma City bombing." American Journal of Psychiatry 159: 857-859.
- Elze, Diane E., Wendy Auslander, J. Curtis McMillen, Tonya Edmond, and Ronald J. Thompson. 2001. "Untangling the impact of sexual abuse on HIV risk behaviors among youths in foster care." AIDS Education and Prevention 13: 377-389.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, Matthew O. Howard, Lisa Nower, and Sulki Chung. 2001. "Positive by-products of the struggle with chemical dependency." Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 20: 69-79.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, Carol S. North, and Elizabeth M. Smith. 2000. "What parts of PTSD are normal: Intrusion, avoidance or arousal? Data from the Northridge, California earthquake." Journal of Traumatic Stress 13: 57-75.
- McMillen, J. Curtis. 1999. "Better for it: How people benefit from adversity." Social Work 44: 455-468.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, and Jayne Tucker. 1999. "The status of older adolescents at exit from out-of-home care." Child Welfare 78: 339-360.
- North, Carol S., Sara J. Nixon, Sheryll Shariat, Sue Mallonee, J. Curtis McMillen, R.D. Vincent, Edward L. Spitznagel, and Elizabeth M. Smith. 1999. "Psychiatric disorders among survivors of the Oklahoma City bombing." Journal of the American Medical Association 282: 755-762.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, and Rachel H. Fisher. 1998. "The Perceived benefit scales: Measuring perceived positive life changes after negative life events." Social Work Research 22: 173-187.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, and Susan J. Zuravin. 1998. "Social support, therapy and changes in attributions for child sexual abuse." Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 7(2): 1-15.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, Elizabeth M. Smith, and Rachel H. Fisher. 1997. "Perceived benefit and mental health after three types of disaster." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 65: 733-739.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, Gregory B. Rideout, Rachel Fisher, and Jayne Tucker. 1997. "Independent living services: The views of former foster youth." Families in Society 78: 471-479.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, 1997. "A practice model for enhancing effective coping in child welfare families." Child Welfare 76: 781-799.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, and Susan J. Zuravin. 1997. "Attributions of responsibility for child sexual abuse and adult adjustment." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 12: 30-48.
- Phillips, Susan, J. Curtis McMillen, Joshua Sparks, and Mimi Ueberle. 1997. "Concrete strategies for making youth service agencies more sensitive to the needs of gay, lesbian and other sexual minority youths." Child Welfare 76: 393-409.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, and Gregory B. Rideout. 1996. "Breaking intergenerational cycles: Theoretical tools for social workers." Social Service Review 70: 378-399.
- Zuravin, Susan J., J. Curtis McMillen, Diane DePanfilis, and Christina Risley-Curtiss. 1996. "The intergenerational cycle of child maltreatment: Continuity vs. discontinuity." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 11: 315-334.
- McMillen, J. Curtis, Susan J. Zuravin, and Gregory B. Rideout. 1995. "Perceived benefit from child sexual abuse." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 63: 1037-1043.
Curtis McMillen is the David and Mary Winton Green Professor at the University of Chicago Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice. He teaches core courses in the master's curriculum including Social Intervention-Direct Practice I and II, Human Behavior in the Social Environment, and Research Methods. He teaches an advanced practice course, Behavioral and Cognitive Interventions for Children and Families, and an advanced research course, Performance Management.
He focuses his work around improving mental health services for children and youth in foster care. These efforts include:
- developing and testing interventions for youth in the foster care system;
- helping youth develop emotion regulation capacities;
- developing and testing ways to de-escalate upset people in the midst of an emotion episode;
- and helping social service agencies develop their capacities to better use data.
He has worked in residential, in-patient pyschiatric care, foster care and treatment foster care programs. Professor McMillen received his B.A. in Psychology from Trinity University, his M.S.W. from the University of Oklahoma, and a Ph.D. in Social Work from the University of Maryland Baltimore. He joined the Crown Family School faculty in January 2011. He formerly served as the School's Deputy Dean for Curriculum.
In 2014 he was elected to the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare.