Social Intervention: Direct Practice I
Course Number: 30100
Course Description
This two-quarter course emphasizes the design and practice of social work interventions at the individual, family, and group levels. Students are introduced to the values, theories, concepts, skills, and empirical evidence that form the base for direct social work practice and develop competencies related to this area of practice. Complementing 30000, material is presented to examine needs, resources, and potential for change at the individual, family, and group levels, as well as to provide students with an understanding and appreciation of various options for intervention. Students will develop skills in identifying and defining problems, implementing and refining intervention strategies, evaluating the impact of clinical interventions, and weighing the ethical considerations of various choices. Particular attention is given to developing intervention approaches for working with underserved groups.
Requirements Filled
Clinical Concentration: All Clinical Classes
Core: Required Courses in the Core
Professors and Lecturers Who Teach This Course
Note: Courses are subject to change at any time. Please check MyCrownSchool for the quarters, days, and times that courses will be held, as well as room numbers.