
SSA Magazine (Archive)

Emotional Rescue

Researchers say a better understanding of emotion regulation can improve interventions for youth in foster care
January 1, 2015
SSA Magazine (Archive)

A Motivational Mixture

A number of new substance abuse treatment methods rethink how counselors help clients move to sobriety.
December 1, 2014
SSA Magazine (Archive)

Deep Impact

SSA’s doctoral students are producing rigorous, original research—just like graduates have been doing for nearly 100 years.
December 1, 2014
SSA Magazine (Archive)

Poor and Suburban

Suburban poverty is on the rise, and with it comes a unique set of problems and opportunities.
December 1, 2014
SSA Magazine (Archive)

Mastering Research

Some SSA master’s students have the opportunity to delve deep into the scholarly work of social work research
June 1, 2014