University Alumni Awards

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Crown Family School News

The alumni awardees have affected both the University of Chicago and the global community. The recipients include medical research pioneers in diabetes and women’s heart health, a revolutionary art historian, a long-standing US senator, a poignant political commentator, a leading bioethicist, and two couples that have positively affected the academic and experiential learning culture at the University of Chicago.

You can view all of the recipients here. On this page we've listed Crown Family School alumni recipients.

Alumni Service Award

Created in 1983, the Alumni Service Awards are given for outstanding service to the University.


Terri Davis

Terri Travis-Davis, AM ’99

Terri Travis-Davis is a silent yet powerful leader within the Crown Family School’s alumni community. Her peers recognize her for being instrumental in identifying Crown Family School alumni who had not been engaged with the graduate school and creating in them a stronger affinity for the University. Travis-Davis served on the Crown Family School Alumni Association Board from 2007 to 2011, and since 2007 she has served on the Crown Family School African American Alumni Committee. Her commitment to Crown Family School goes beyond just maintaining a strong affinity among alumni; she also ensures that students feel supported as they transition into postgraduate life. She established the first African American Alumni Award to ensure that students are able to enter their professions in social work with a little less debt.


Joseph Loundy

Joseph Loundy, AM '69





Public Service Award

Created in 1941, the Public Service Awards honor individuals who have fulfilled the obligations of their education through creative leadership in service that has benefited society and reflected credit on the University.


Charles G. Curie

Charles G. Curie, AM '79









Norman Maclean Faculty Award

Given for the first time in June 1997, the Norman Maclean Faculty Award honors emeritus or very senior faculty for extraordinary contributions to teaching and to the student experience of life within the University community. Faculty from across the University are considered and need not be alumni to be eligible.


Dolores Norton

Dolores "Dodie" Norton, Professor Emerita