SSA Magazine (Archive)
Making a Connection
A new intervention improves communication and trust between therapists and clients from different cultures
June 1, 2014
SSA Magazine (Archive)
Before It Happens
Preventing violence is an academic focus for a select group of SSA students
June 1, 2014
SSA Magazine (Archive)
The Evolution of Health Care Reform
The ACA uses Medicaid to get health insurance to millions of people. Colleen Grogan is keeping track of what happened after that plan was derailed.
June 1, 2014
SSA Magazine (Archive)
Mastering Research
Some SSA master’s students have the opportunity to delve deep into the scholarly work of social work research
June 1, 2014
SSA Magazine (Archive)
A Nurturing, Caring Relationship
Sydney Hans is studying how home visits from a doula help young mothers and their children
June 1, 2014