
In the Media

Article authored by Asst. Prof. Janelle R. Goodwill discusses her research on the primary reasons Black young adults consider suicide Read the article at The Conversation

April 20, 2023
In the Media

Elaine Allensworth, of the Consortium on School Research, says an “interrogation” of the limitations and costs of standardized assessments is overdue Read the article at Chicago Tribune

April 18, 2023
In the Media

Study from Consortium on School Research finding that GPAs were more predictive of college success than standardized tests Read the article at Chicago Sun Times

March 30, 2023
In the Media

Op-ed cites Consortium on School Research study finding that only 4 percent of Black males who started ninth grade in CPS earned a bachelor’s degree by age 25 Read the article at Chicago Tribune

March 6, 2023