Suicide Rates Rise Among Young Black Americans
By Crown Family School
Suicide rates among Black youth have risen faster than any other racial or ethnic group. Janelle Goodwill, Neubauer Family Assistant Professor researches suicidality and she's argued that, while the increases are alarming, suicide among young Black people has been a longstanding issue.
During a recent episode of Black Voices on WTTW's Chicago Tonight, Professor Goodwill discussed how more attention is being brought to the issue because there is a generational shift and openness to discuss this topic and there have unfortunately been suicides amongst major celebrities that have generated conversation on this topic.

Janelle spoke about interventions and the challenge of only having a few Black people in a research study, making it hard to draw firm conclusions. However, research does show that early intervention where families have the opportunity to receive support early on can be fruitful in preventing suicide and other adverse mental health outcomes.
Learn more about Professor Goodwill's research and her most recent article published on Black Adult's Mental Health During Covid 19.