SSA Magazine (Archive)
GPHAP Student Hotspotting
An interdisciplinary approach to caring for patients with complex needs
June 1, 2017
SSA Magazine (Archive)
Community Violence Produces Loud and Silent Trauma
Both which make a lasting impact
June 1, 2017
SSA Magazine (Archive)
Tributes to the Contributions of Michael Sosin
An influential scholar helped Chicago house the homeless
December 1, 2016
SSA Magazine (Archive)
Why Black Lives Matter
Scholars help educate about structural and environmental barriers
December 1, 2016
SSA Magazine (Archive)
Strengthening Our Leadership in Local and Global Social Welfare
December 1, 2016
SSA Magazine (Archive)
The Sanctuary Cities Debate
Data shows foreign born less likely to be incarcerated
December 1, 2016
SSA Magazine (Archive)
The Limits of Objective Knowledge in Social Work
Why courts should consider the expertise of case workers
December 1, 2016
SSA Magazine (Archive)
A Builder of Community Schools
Jane F. Quinn has lead a movement to engage social service agencies with the work of education
December 1, 2016
SSA Magazine (Archive)
Falling Into the Debt Trap
Borrowing offers little financial cushion for the poor
December 1, 2016