Legal Aspects of Clinical Practice in Illinois: Confidentiality

Mental health professionals consider protecting confidentiality of information disclosed by patients to be one of their most important obligations. In some cases, it is evident that breaking confidentiality is legally required. Some circumstances, however, are unclear and pose ethical challenges for the professional involved.


This live and interactive workshop via Zoom will focus on issues of confidentiality under the Illinois Mental Health and Disabilities Confidentiality Act. Topics to be covered include: confidentiality of records and communications, inspection of records, consents to disclosure of records, response to subpoenas, and proper procedures for record keeping.


Topics of Confidentiality

1. Confidentiality of mental health records and communications

2. Therapist personal notes

3. Inspection of mental health records

4. Consents to disclosure of mental health records and communications

5. Disclosure without consent of mental health records or communications

6. Privileges to refuse disclosure of mental health records

7. Response to subpoenas for records or communications and to requests for information

8. Permissive disclosure of mental health records and communications

9. Potential consequences of disclosure without consent

10. Proper procedures for record keeping


This workshop satisfies the State of Illinois ethics requirement for social workers and clinical psychologists.

If you have any questions about access or to request a reasonable accommodation that will facilitate your full participation in this event such as ASL interpreting, captioned videos, Braille or electronic text, food options for individuals with dietary restrictions, etc. please contact the event organizer.