Group of students listening at orientation

Social Administration Concentration

For current students who began Fall 2023 or earlier, including advanced standing students who will begin in Summer 2024

The social administration concentration in the Social Work, Social Policy, and Social Administration (SW) program prepares students for professional practice in community, organizational, and governmental settings. Students are prepared for research, management, and advocacy positions in federal, state, county, and municipal government; private non-profit and for-profit organizations; policy research institutes; community-based organizations and action groups; electoral politics at all levels of government; and non-governmental organizations working in a variety of international contexts. The social administration concentration provides students with advanced instruction in analytic and strategic intervention related to the institutional conditions – economic, political, and organizational – that shape social welfare. It enables students to develop practice competencies needed to analyze, research, and advocate for client groups and constituencies, and to plan, implement, and evaluate programs and policies at various levels of intervention.

Required Courses (SW)

Students in the Social Work, Social Policy, and Social Administration (SW) program who elect the concentration in social administration take the following courses:

  • 45400 Economics for Social Welfare
  • 46712 Organizational Theory and Analysis in Human Services
  • 46800 Political Processes in Policy Formulation and Implementation
  • 48500 Data for Policy Analysis and Management
  • Field Placement. The field placement enables students to develop competencies and practice behaviors related to social work in human service organizations. Students will develop a broad view of a social welfare problem and engage in advanced practice behaviors to respond to that problem.