Advocates' Forum 2013 Letter from the Editor
By Abra Lyons-Warren
Each year, Advocates’ Forum seeks to share students’ scholarly work on a range of topics within the field of social service. Not surprisingly, given the qualities common among aspiring social workers, this year’s journal includes five articles focusing on timely and important issues. Three—covering coercive evictions, the Hope VI program and Choice Neighborhoods, and the Sweet Home Chicago Campaign—provide insight and survey different ways of thinking about an issue that, since the housing crisis, has grown more critical for individuals and families and more vital for social workers to address. Two more articles also focus on areas of great importance in today’s landscape: workforce development and trans* and gender non-conforming individuals. As with the all the subjects in the journal, these are topics that reflect changing public opinions toward minority groups and the growing interest and need to implement effective solutions.
Much as the social service field continues to evolve, so too has Advocates’ Forum, which continues to take steps to improve its practices and reach. This year, the journal implemented a refined submission selection process to more thoroughly assess each submission and provide more comprehensive feedback to authors. In order to better share student ideas with others and to increase discourse, the journal has continued to strengthen its ties with other social work schools.
These changes meant greater responsibilities for the editorial board, which rose to the challenge. I thank all the board members for their diligence and willingness to improve the journal, as well as Dr. Virginia Parks, who is Advocates’ Forum’s faculty advisor and an unwavering champion of the journal, and Dr. Daniel Listoe, editing consultant, for his meticulous and holistic work with the authors.