
Areas of Expertise
Child Welfare and Child Protection
Non-Profit Organizations
- 64600 Quality Monitoring and Improvement for the Social Services
Job Experience
- Senior Policy Analyst, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago
- Quality Assurance Specialist, federal Child and Family Services Reviews, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- Director, Foster Care Utilization Review Program, Children and Family Research Center at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign
Fields of Special Interest
- Continuous quality improvement systems development and training
- Child welfare policy and practice
- Child welfare agency capacity building
- Green-Rogers, Y. (2022, September), The Role of Continuous Quality Improvement in Prevention Plan Implementation. Presentation at the California Comprehensive Prevention Plan Learning Series on Ensuring Quality and Fidelity to Achieve Outcomes.
- Green-Rogers, Y. (2021, September), CQI 101: The How and Why of CQI. Presentation at the 2021 Virtual Illinois CQI Conference.
- Dellor, E., Freisthler, B., Green-Rogers, Y. (2021, September), Co-Creating Race Equity Tools: Practical Strategies for Evaluation & Continuous Quality Improvement Efforts. Presentation at the Children’s Bureau Child Welfare Virtual Expo.
- Green-Rogers, Y., Brown, J., Thomas, K., Warren, J. (2019, August) Ready, Set, Transform: Assessing Provider Readiness for Family First. Presentation at the 2019 National Child Welfare Evaluation Summit. Washington, DC.
- Green-Rogers, Y. (2019, June), Creating a culture of continuous quality improvement for prevention and foster care staff. Presented at the New York City-Administration for Children and Families Collaborative Quality Improvement Conference. New York, NY.
- Cooper, K. & Green-Rogers, Y. (2019, May) Continuous quality improvement: a strategic lever for building a learning culture and monitoring organizational impact. Presented at the 30th Annual Network for Social Work Management Conference. Chicago, IL.
- Lynch, M. & Green-Rogers, Y. (2019, May). Leveraging the Family First Prevention Services Act to encourage innovation and maximize performance management and impact. Presentation at the 30th Annual Network for Social Work Management Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Lynch, M. & Green-Rogers, Y. (2019, May). Building capacity for continuous quality improvement activities. Webinar for the Linking Systems of Care Initiative of the National Center on Juvenile Justice.
- Green-Rogers, Y. (2019, March). Building capacity for CQI activities. Webinar for the Juvenile Justice Commission Capacity Building Initiative Learning Series through the Illinois Collaboration on Youth (ICOY) & Strengthening Chicago’s Youth (SCY).
- Cooper, K., Green-Rogers, Y. (2018 November). 21st Century strategies for outcomes driven continuous quality improvement. Webinar for the Network for Social Work Management.
- Arnold, M., Axelrod, J. and Green-Rogers, Y. (2018 November). Building capacity to improve the implementation of Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles. Workshop at the Illinois CQI Conference, Urbana, IL.
- Anderson, C., Cooper, K., Green-Rogers, Y., Lynch, M., & Thomas, K. (2018 April). 21st Century strategies for outcomes driven continuous quality improvement. Presentation at the Child Welfare League of America National Conference, Washington, DC.
- Green-Rogers, Y. and O’Brien, J. (2017, June). The art and science of systems alignment. Workshop at the Global Implementation Conference, Toronto, Canada.