Woman with curly hair, glasses and orange and white striped shirt smiling in front of blue curtains

Brianna Suslovic

Doctoral Student

969 E. 60th Street
Chicago, IL 60637

Areas of Expertise
Administrative Burden
Complex institutions
Criminal Legal Change
Criminal Legal Policy
Frontline Policy Implementation
Health Disparities
Mass Incarceration
Mental Health
Policy Implementation
Poverty and Welfare Policy
Program Evaluation
Public Health
Public Policy
Qualitative Research Methods
Race, Ethnicity, and Culture
Research and Evaluation Methodology
Risk and resilience
Social problems and social policy
Social Welfare
Social Work
Street Level Bureaucracy
Transformative Justice

Research interests: abolition, prison and jail healthcare, mental health courts, transformative justice, feminist social work, policy analysis, historical methods, social work-police collaborations

Brianna is a social welfare PhD student at the University of Chicago in the Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice, studying jail-to-community transitions and the nexus of community mental health and criminal punishment.

More broadly, her scholarship relates to health policy, criminal-legal diversion programming, psychoanalytic theory, and histories of social welfare service provision. My work is informed by years of direct service work in and around New York City’s criminal-legal system. I hold an MSW from Smith College and a Bachelor's degree from Harvard College.