Join the Board

man sitting at a table in a blue shirt talking as others listen

The Alumni Association Board is dedicated to advancing the mission, vision, and values of the Crown Family School. We strive to cultivate enduring, symbiotic connections between alumni and all facets of the School, engaging with students and alumni nationwide. Our efforts contribute to enhancing the School's reputation and facilitating resources for student scholarships. 

Are You Ready to Inspire and Be Inspired?

Join a Community of Leaders
Group of people standing smiling

Joining the Crown Family School Alumni Association Board of Directors means joining a community of alumni leaders who use their compassion, intelligence, and expertise to make a difference in the lives of our alumni and school community.

Board Membership

As an engaged and dynamic working board, we encourage members to actively participate by serving on at least one committee. This hands-on involvement fosters deeper connections within our community and empowers members to directly contribute to our shared goals. Joining a committee offers an opportunity to leverage your expertise, passion, and perspective, amplifying the impact of our collective efforts and enriching the experience for all involved.

What inspires you?

The Board Development Committee serves as the steward of the Alumni Association Board's vitality and effectiveness, ensuring continuity, cohesion, and strategic leadership for the Crown Family School alumni community. Our mandate encompasses the pivotal tasks of recruiting, onboarding, and nurturing a diverse cadre of dedicated individuals who exemplify the School's ethos and embody its core values.
Key responsibilities of the Board Development Committee include:

  1.  Recruitment: Identifying and recruiting passionate and qualified individuals to serve on the Alumni Association Board, leveraging a broad network of alumni, stakeholders, and community partners to cultivate a diverse pool of candidates.
  2. Onboarding: Facilitating a seamless and comprehensive onboarding process for new Board members, equipping them with the knowledge, resources, and support needed to hit the ground running and make meaningful contributions from day one.
  3. Board Cohesiveness: Fostering a culture of collaboration, camaraderie, and mutual respect among board members, nurturing an environment where diverse perspectives are valued and collective decision-making is informed by a shared commitment to the School's mission and vision.
  4. Succession Planning: Strategically planning for the Alumni Association Board's future leadership needs, identifying and grooming emerging leaders, and implementing robust succession plans to ensure continuity and sustainability of board governance.

Through our dedicated efforts, the Board Development Committee plays a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of the Alumni Association Board, empowering it to serve as a dynamic and effective steward of the Crown Family School's legacy and impact.

Join us as we work together to cultivate a vibrant, inclusive, and forward-thinking leadership community committed to advancing the mission and values of the Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice.

The Board Governance Committee serves as the custodian of excellence in governance practices within the Alumni Association, ensuring that the Crown Family School community operates with transparency, integrity, and accountability. Our mandate revolves around optimizing board function, incorporating industry best practices, and maintaining the integrity of the Alumni Association Bylaws.
Key responsibilities of the Board Governance Committee include:

  1. Overseeing Board Function: Monitoring the performance and effectiveness of the Alumni Association Board, ensuring that its actions align with the School's mission, values, and strategic objectives.
  2. Incorporating Best Practices: Staying abreast of evolving trends, standards, and benchmarks in governance, and proactively integrating industry best practices to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, and impact of board operations.
  3. Updating and Revising Bylaws: Regularly reviewing and revising the Alumni Association Bylaws to ensure their relevance, clarity, and compliance with legal requirements, reflecting the evolving needs and priorities of the Crown Family School community.

With careful attention and a steadfast dedication to ongoing enhancement, the Board Governance Committee fulfills a crucial role in upholding the integrity and efficiency of governance practices within the Alumni Association.

Join us as we work together to promote accountability, transparency, and a commitment to excellence. This will enable the Board to carry out its responsibilities and further the mission of the Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice.

Alumni Engagement is the dynamic force behind fostering enduring connections between graduates and the Crown Family School community. As the outward-facing arm of the Alumni Board, our committee collaborates closely with the Alumni Relations staff to ensure that the bond between alumni and the School remains vibrant and enduring.

Our mission encompasses a spectrum of initiatives aimed at enriching the post-graduation experience for our esteemed alumni. From facilitating networking opportunities to providing invaluable support to current students embarking on their professional journeys, Alumni Engagement is dedicated to nurturing a robust network of support and collaboration.
Key areas of focus for our committee include:

  1. Networking: Facilitating opportunities for alumni to connect, collaborate, and forge meaningful professional relationships within the Crown Family School community and beyond.
  2. Student Support: Offering guidance, mentorship, and resources to support current students as they transition into the workforce and navigate the complexities of their chosen fields.
  3. Fundraising: Championing initiatives to secure vital resources that empower the Crown Family School to continue its legacy of excellence in education, research, and community impact.
  4. Alumni Award Nominations: Identifying and celebrating outstanding alumni whose contributions embody the values and mission of the Crown Family School, thereby inspiring future generations. 

Through our multifaceted approach, Alumni Engagement strives to cultivate a culture of lifelong engagement, learning, and service among our esteemed alumni community. Together, we aim to harness the collective power of our alumni network to drive positive change and advance the mission of the Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice.

Join us as we continue to build bridges, foster connections, and make a lasting impact together.

  • Participate in four board meetings per year, held quarterly via Zoom.
  • Attend two in-person board events: a fall board retreat and a board dinner during Alumni Weekend.
  • Serve on at least one board committee.
  • 100% participation by the Board in giving to the Crown Family School Fund.
  • Promote a culture of philanthropy among students and alumni.
  • Positively message the Crown Family School and actively recruit diverse student and alumni leaders to the Board and its committees.
  • Board terms follow the school's fiscal year, July 1 to June 30.
  • Each board term is two years with an option to renew for a second and third two-year term.
  • Executive Committee Board Officers and Committee Chairs should expect to dedicate three to five hours per month to Board activities.
  • Board members may be more active in any particular month, depending on their committee work and attendance at Board-sponsored events.
How to Apply to the Board

To nominate yourself, please submit an application and upload a current resume and a brief statement of interest and choose to nominate yourself below. 

Please submit your nomination by May 31, 2024, to be considered for the 2024-2025 program year


If you know a Crown Family School alum who would be a great addition to the Alumni Association Board, let us know by submitting a nomination form below.