
Mark E. Courtney has been appointed the Samuel Deutsch Professor at SSA. Eight SSA faculty have held this professorship, including SSA founder and University luminary Sophonisba Breckinridge. Most recently, this chair was held by Sydney Hans. This honor recognizes Mark’s scholarship and contributions as a child welfare expert, his impact on child welfare policy and research, and his direct advocacy in improving child welfare services for young people who are aging out of foster care. His work has profoundly impacted the lives of tens of thousands of youth across the country. Named professorships are among the highest honors that the University can bestow on outstanding scholars and teachers, and this one aptly recognizes the eminence Mark brings to SSA and the social work profession.

Sydney L. Hans has been appointed the Frank P. Hixon Distinguished Service Professor. This distinguished service professorship, conferred by the University of Chicago, is an elevated honor reserved for exemplary scholars across University disciplines. Past recipients have included professors of history, chemistry, linguistics, and physics, and the professorship was most recently held by Charles Payne. This appointment recognizes Sydney’s exceptional scholarship and significant contributions to the field of child and family development, to SSA, and to the University. Her record of service to and accomplishment at the University is long and distinguished. Before joining SSA in 2004, Sydney was on the faculty of the Department of Psychiatry for more than 25 years. She also is an affiliate faculty at the Center for Human Potential and Public Policy at the Harris School, and the Department of Comparative Human Development.