SSA Presents 2013 Abbott, Distinctive Innovation Awards

University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration presented two awards at the “A Night of Stars” Gala during SSA’s 2013 Reunion Weekend, on Saturday, October 19, 2013.
Nathan Linsk, AM '74, PhD '82, Founder of the Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center (MATEC) and the Great Lakes Addiction Technology Transfer Center received the Edith Abbott Award. The Edith Abbott Award recognizes a SSA alum for distinguished service to society and for outstanding professional contributions at the local, national, or international levels, honoring lifetime achievement.
Linsk is a recently retired professor from the UIC/Jane Addams College of Social Work. He is a pioneer in the field of HIV/AIDS research. His reach is international, working in both Ethiopia and Tanzania.
Benevolent received the Distinctive Innovation in Social Services Award. This award recognizes social service agencies or programs that demonstrate innovation in their approaches and practices that generate sustained results for their clients and enhanced learning for their employees and the field.
Benevolent was founded in 2011 by SSA alumna Megan Kashner, AM '95. Benevolent created a new model for philanthropy, fostering a direct connection between the giver and the recipient. Eligible recipients post brief videos discussing their specific needs (less than $700) to the Benevolent website and donors can choose which direct need to fund (average gifts are $50).