![Gabriela Zapata-Alma against a white background wearing glasses, a black top, and showing tattooed arms](/sites/default/files/styles/headshot_detail/public/2022-10/Gabriela-ZapataAlma_1328x884px.jpg?itok=w7hRLYUc)
This course is an introduction to substance use issues, the spectrum of substance use, associated diagnostic criteria (DSM-5), and major evidence-supported methods for...
Motivational Interviewing (MI) is an empirically supported way of being with clients in an empathic, open, nonjudgmental, and collaborative manner. The clinician...
This course will provide an overview of the theories, clinical approaches & reality based intervention strategies of U.S. based Harm Reduction theory. Beginning as a...
This course examines the experience and the role of spirituality and religious traditions in clinical social work practice with client systems. The course considers the...
Author: Zapata-Alma, G.A. (in press). Faith and Spirituality in Trauma Resilience, Recovery, and Healing: A Guide for Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence Advocates. National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health.
Expert Panel: HHS ASPE’s federal technical expert convening on creating pathways to recovery for parents who use substances, 09/2021
Presenter: “The Intersections of Substance Use Disorder, Intimate Partner Violence, and Child/Parent Attachment, in Criminal and Family Courts” NY State Family Treatment and Domestic Violence Courts, 06/2021
Presenter: “Strong Roots: Supporting Staff Through Healing-Centered Workplaces” Women are Sacred Conference, National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center, 06/2021
Presenter: “Substance Use Coercion: Evidence, Strategies and Resources” Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network, 06/2021
Plenary Panel: “Intersectionality and Public Health” Inaugural Intersectionality and Public Health Symposium, University of Chicago, 05/2021
Presenter: “Tools for Transformation: Becoming Accessible, Culturally Responsive, Trauma-Informed Organizations” Intersecting Roots to Wellness Conference, Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council, 05/2021
Presenter: “Harm Reduction and Overdose Prevention for Survivors who use Substances” National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence, Futures Without Violence, 04/2021
Panelist: “Starting the Conversation: Substance Use Disorders and Intimate Partner Violence” Addiction Technology Transfer Center, Network Coordinating Office, 03/2021
Author: Zapata-Alma, G.A. (2021). 7 Common Practices in Substance Use Disorder Care That Can Hurt Survivors and What You Can Do Instead. National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health.
Author: Zapata-Alma, G.A. (2021). Substance Use Coercion Palm Card. National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health.
Co-Author: Warshaw, C. & Zapata-Alma, G.A. (2020). Mental Health Treatment in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence. In (R. Geffner, J.W. White, K. Hamberger, A. Rosenbaum, V. Vaughan-Eden, V. I. Vieth, Eds; J. Langhinrichsen-Rohling, G. Tinney, S.M. Wagers, L. K. Hamberger, A. Rosenbaum Section Eds.). Handbook of Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan: A Project of the National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan (NPEIV). New York: Springer International Publishing.
Author: Zapata-Alma, G.A. (2020). Committed to Serving ALL Survivors: Guidance for Domestic Violence Programs on Supporting Survivors Who Use Substances. National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health.
Co-Author: Cave, C. & Zapata-Alma, G.A. (2020). Tools for Transformation: Becoming Accessible, Culturally Responsive, and Trauma-Informed (ACRTI) Organizations – Implementation Support Guide for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Programs - Guide #1: The Social, Emotional, and Relational Climate and Organizational Trauma. National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health.
Presenter: “Responding to Substance Use Coercion in Treatment and Recovery Services” Michigan Women’s Treatment and Recovery Services Network, 9/20
Co-Presenter: “Mental Health Treatment in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence” 25th International Summit on Interpersonal Violence, Abuse, and Trauma Across the Lifespan, 9/20
Plenary Panel (Moderator): “Working in the Field of IPV: Applying 40 Years of Knowledge and Lessons Learned” 25th International Summit on Interpersonal Violence, Abuse, and Trauma Across the Lifespan, 9/20
Presenter: “Mental Health Teletherapy for Survivors of Gender-Based Violence Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis” Development Connections, Inter-American Development Bank, 8/20
Presenter: “Culturally Responsive Substance Use Disorder Treatment” SAMHSA Minority Fellowship Program, 8/20
Co-Presenter: “Working at the Intersections of Intimate Partner Violence and Mental Health” 3-part series with Mental Health Technology Transfer Centers, 7/20, 8/20, 9/20
Co-Presenter: “Cultivating Healing-Centered Workplaces for BIPOC Clinicians” UChicago School of Social Service Administration, Professional Development Program, 7/20
Presenter: “Domestic Violence and Substance Use” Quality Improvement Center on Domestic Violence in Child Welfare and Illinois Dept. of Children and Family Services, 7/20
Presenter: “Road to Recovery: Purposeful Post-Treatment and Aftercare Planning” Florida Dept. of Children and Families, Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association, 6/20
Presenter: “Responding to Intimate Partner Violence in Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment” Illinois Co-Occurring Center of Excellence, 5/20
Co-Presenter: “Responding to Intimate Partner Violence in Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Services Amid the COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond” Women’s Services Coordinators of the National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors (NASADAD), 5/20.
Presenter: “Restoring and Promoting Resilience: Responsive Practices for Immigrant Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence” South Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center, 04/2020
Presenter: “Shelter From the Storm Inside: Supporting Recovery, Safety, and Wellbeing in the COVID-19 Pandemic” Florida Dept. of Children and Families, Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association, 2/20; National Center on Domestic Violence Trauma & Mental Health, 5/20; Prevent Child Abuse America, 6/20; FEMA Youth Council, 9/20
Presenter: “It’s Time To Stop Kicking People Out of Treatment: Alternatives to Administrative Discharge” Florida Dept. of Children and Families, Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association, 2/20
Presenter: “Recommendations and Collaborative Strategies for Systems and Organizations Working at the Intersections of Domestic Violence, Mental Health, and Substance Use” SAMHSA, Administration for Children and Families, National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health, 02/2020
Plenary: “Improving Care for Survivors of Trauma and Intimate Partner Violence” 13th Annual Community-Service Learning Conference, University of Texas Health San Antonio, 02/2020
Presenter: “Working at the Intersections of Domestic Violence, Trauma, Substance Use, and Mental Health: Exploring Opportunities for Collaboration” Presented exclusively for the Directors of Mental Health, Addiction, and Prevention Technology Transfer Centers, 01/2020
Presenter: “Providing Effective Clinical Supervision (Advanced)” Florida Dept. of Children and Families, Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association, 11/2019
Plenary: “Trauma-Informed Approaches in HIV, Hep-C, and Opioid/Methamphetamine Use Disorder Care” Triple Threat Conference, Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center, 11/2019
Presenter: “Trauma-Informed and DV-Informed Approaches to Care” HRSA, 10/2019
Presenter: “SAMHSA and ACF Information Memorandum on Working at the Intersection of Domestic Violence, Substance Use and Mental: Research, Recommendations, and Resources” SAMHSA, Administration for Children and Families, National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health, 10/2019
Presenter: “Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care” National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health, 09/2019
Plenary: “Understanding the Intersections of Substance Use, Domestic Violence, and Sexual Assault: Implications for Family Justice Centers” Alliance for Hope International Leadership Summit, 09/2019
Presenter: “Mutual Aid Community Recovery Groups” Florida Dept. of Children and Families, Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association, 09/2019
Presenter: “Overdose Prevention & Response in Anti-Domestic Violence Advocacy” National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health, 08/2019
Keynote: “Recovery: A Multidimensional Framework” Mental Health Summit, Jesse Brown VA Medical Center, 08/2019
Presenter: “Building Strong Substance Use Disorder and Serious Mental Illness Services Using Evidence-based Practices” The Way Home Virtual Summit, SAMHSA Homeless and Housing Resource Network, 08/2019
Presenter: “Assessing and Addressing Housing Instability and Invisible Homelessness” The Way Home Virtual Summit, SAMHSA Homeless and Housing Resource Network, 08/2019
Presenter: “Trauma-Informed Advocacy for Survivors Who Use Substances” Violence Free Colorado, 08/2019
Plenary: “Responding to Mental Health and Substance Use Needs Within Transitional Housing Programs” Voluntary Services Conference, Texas Council on Family Violence, 07/2019
Presenter: “Supporting Survivors Who Use Methamphetamine” Board of Directors Conference, Native Women’s Society of the Great Plains, 07/2019
Plenary: “Trauma-Informed Approaches in HIV, Hep-C, and Opioid Use Disorder Care” Triple Threat Conference, Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center & AIDS Foundation of Chicago, 06/2019
Presenter: “Alternatives to Administrative Discharge: It’s Time to Stop Kicking People Out of Treatment” Florida Dept. of Children and Families, Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association, 05/2019
Author: Zapata-Alma, G. (2019). Committed to Serving ALL Survivors: Guidance for Domestic Violence Programs on Supporting Survivors Who Use Substances. National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health.
Contributing Author: Cave, C. (2019). Implementation Guide for Becoming Accessible, Culturally Responsive and Trauma-Informed Organizations. National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health.
Presenter: “Substance Use in the Context of Trauma & Domestic Violence” New Jersey Family Division and Domestic Violence Judicial Education Conference, 04/2019
Plenary Panelist: “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on a Rights-based Approach to Global Health” Consortium of Universities for Global Health Annual Conference,03/2019
Presenter: “Gender-Responsive Care for Women with Substance Use Disorders” The University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration, Professional Development Program, 03/2019
Presenter: “Stimulant Use Disorders” Florida Dept. of Children and Families, Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association, 03/2019
Presenter: “Supporting Women in Recovery: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Substance Use Treatment ” National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health, 03/2019
Presenter: “The Intersection of Domestic Violence and Substance Use” Alliance for Hope International, International Family Justice Center Conference, 03/2019
Panelist: “Engaging Law Enforcement to Implement Community Harm Reduction Outreach Programs” Midwest Harm Reduction Institute’s Conference, 10/2018
Presenter: “Trauma-Informed Care for LGBTQIA+ Individuals Living with a Substance Use Disorder” Florida Dept. of Children and Families, Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association, 10/2018
Panelist: “Opioid Crisis: Misperceptions & Evidence-Based Solutions” North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology, 09/2018
Presenter: “Creating and Strengthening Points of Connection to Better Serve Youth with Behavioral Health Needs Who Are Experiencing Homelessness” as part of SAMHSA’s Addressing the Housing and Behavioral Health Needs of Youth Experiencing Homelessness Spotlight Series, 05/2018.
Presenter: “Families in Crisis: Working with Families in Recovery” Florida Dept. of Children and Families, Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association, 04/2018.
Presenter: “Substance Use Counseling Skills: Evidence in Practice” Florida Dept. of Children and Families, Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association, 04/2018.
Presenter: “Cultural Humility: An Integrated Framework for Vulnerable Populations” University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration Professional Development Program, 04/2017, 10/2017, 3/2018.
Presenter: “Trauma & Trauma-Informed Care” Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago Illinois Reentry Conference, 06/17; Illinois Co-Occurring Center for Excellence, 02/18; The University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration Trauma Certification Program, 02/2018.
- 40012 Clinical Interventions in Substance Use Disorders
- 40532 Motivational Interviewing
- 44501 Clinical Research: Using Evidence in Clinical Decision Making
- 60200 Spirituality and Social Work Practice
- Coordinator of the Advanced Alcohol and Other Drug Counselor certification program of study
- Also teaches several of the trauma-informed care certification sessions offered through the Dean of Students Office
Job Experience Current
- Associate Director, National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma and Mental Health
- Owner, Gabriela Zapata-Alma Inc.
Job Experience Past
- Director of Policy and Practice on Domestic Violence and Substance Use, National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma and Mental Health
- Director of Substance Use Treatment Programs, Thresholds
- Director of Scattered-Site Housing Programs, Chicago House & Social Service Agency
- Co-Owner/Founder, Roots Counseling & Training Solutions Co.
- Consultant, Illinois Co-Occurring Center for Excellence
- Consultant, Midwest Harm Reduction Institute