Class of 2020 Hooding Ceremony
Saturday, May 20, 2023
In the first photo Dean of Students, Diversity, and Inclusion Kristen Reid Salomon welcomed the Alumni from the Class of 2020, who gathered in the Winter Garden Sundeck at The Study Hotel, for the Class of 2020 Hooding Ceremony. These graduates, who missed their in-person Hooding and Convocation ceremonies due to the pandemic, were thrilled to gather together to celebrate their achievements and catch up with one another in person.
The program consisted of Briana Payton, AM ’20 who addressed her fellow graduates with a keynote address. Later Jessica Darrow, Associate Instructional Professor Deborah R. and Edgar D. Jannotta Professor Colleen Grogan, Assistant Professor Aimee Hilado, and Professor and Vice Provost Waldo E. Johnson, Jr. presented the alumni with their hoods.